PyBLD - BLD environment on Pythonpybld_logo

last edited on 2020-10-11


        What's PyBLD?
        PyBLD Version 3
        Commands and Functions
        System Requirements
        Install PyBLD
         How do you implement your C code on PyBLD?
        Image manipulation
        Note for person who is already familiar with BLD



What's PyBLD?

PyBLD is developed to analyze scientific data, especially for analyzing time-cource data and multidimensional data. PyBLD is running on Python, interpreter-type language. Origin of PyBLD is BLD developed by Dr. Richard E Carson [1]. PyBLD is my work to dedicate to Dr. Richard E Carson. PyBLD is still beta stage and you might feel PyBLD is not fully functioned. This is not a sake of BLD but the insufficiency of PyBLD is my responsibility. Please send me any comments, which make PyBLD grow.

PyBLD Version 3

Python is now moving toward version 3 and PyBLD must evolve for Python3. There are several differences between Python2 and Python3, and PyBLD version 3 is just started, and there may be several incompatibility issues. So please let me know if you find any problems and bugs.


When I was working at NIH in USA from 1997 to 1999, Dr Richard E Carson was my supervisor. I learned many things from him and BLD is one thing I cannot forget. Before I started using BLD, I used to program everything in C. Although BLD is slower than C, BLD is very convenient n many cases because of interpreter language (people who knows Matlab or IDL understand the benefit of the  interpreter language).
After I came back to Japan, I missed BLD very much, however it was not easy to build BLD environment in Japan. BLD was developed on VMS OS, and I don't have any VMS computer. So Python. Soon after starting to learn Python, I realized how powerful python is, i.e. interpreter, objected-oriented, easy to learn, easy to read programs etc, and I finally decided to develop BLD environment on Python.


Current version of PyBLD is 3.3. This version is for Python3. If you prefer to use Python2, let me know, the PyBLD version 2 is still active and I can offer the source codes.


PyBLD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version.
PyBLD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANT ABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.

Commands and Functions

Here some of commands and functions which PyBLD has

Please see pybld and bldanaimg helps generated by pydoc.


System requirements

Computer running Unix OS (Linux, Solaris have been confirmed to run PyBLD. Probably another Unix machine should be fine with minor modification) or Window OS or MacOS-X.

Install PyBLD

After installing the above software,
1. Download PyBLD source from here.
2. Extract sources by
tar xvzf PyBLD-3.3.tar.gz
3. Change source directory as
cd PyBLD-3.3
4. If you want to develop your own module using SWIG, Type configure and  make
5. Type 'python3 install'
6(optional). If you like to use, type autoconf and configure
7. copy bin/pybld and bin/ into directory where you can put your executable file (i.e. /usr/local/bin)
8. Edit .pybld_start (if there is no .pybld_start, please copy in the source directory to your HOME directory) in your HOME directory if you wish. For example, if you like to use grace rather than matplotlib, give one line as bld.gp_cmd = 'matplotlib' in .pybld_start.

If you are MS-Windows and Mac user, please install through anaconda3

Conda command is as follows; conda install -c whiroshi pybld

Or you can install PyBLD by pip.


PyBLD uses many functions from Python and Numerical Python(NumPy). So you must learn how to use Python and NumPy before using PyBLD.  See the homepages of Python and Numerical Python. You will find several documents including manual and tutorial of Python and NumPy. You can find details of functions in PyBLD in pybld and bldanaimg  pydoc files. Please take a look at some examples in 'test' directory  of PyBLD source.


(This tutorial is originally from BLD manual)

Example 1
The following example takes a file that has a list of plasma counts, decay corrects these counts and plots a plasma curve. We have a data file called xyzzy.dat that looks like this:

#sample time raw cpm mid-point count volume(cc) bkg cpm
0 0             115.0          103.78          .3             106.0
0 14      107.5          106.10         .3        106.0
0 29      3469.0         108.40         .3        106.0
0 44      89582.2        109.91         .3        106.0
0 59      230738.8  110.53         .3        106.0
1 15      243964.7  110.98         .3        106.0
1 31      167908.3  111.48         .3        106.0
1 45      132612.9  112.04         .3        106.0
2 00      97756.1        112.70         .3        106.0
2 30      80544.0        113.43         .3        106.0
3 00      76322.6        114.25         .3        106.0
3 30      72798.9        115.09         .3        106.0
4 00      67443.3        116.07         .3        106.0
5 01      60659.1        116.99         .3        106.0
6 04      56647.9        117.96         .3        106.0
8 00      49656.8        119.01         .3        106.0
10 00          44196.7        120.18         .3        106.0
12 00          39301.0        121.44         .3        106.0
15 00          34139.0        122.84         .3        106.0
20 00          31244.2        124.37         .3        106.0
30 00          25280.5        126.12         .3        106.0
57 51          16624.5        128.22         .3        106.0
68 20          14839.0        130.53         .3        106.0

(Note: a line which begins with # is considered a comment line)

We want to use BLD to take these raw counts and decay correct them back to
injection time.  How do we do this?

The first thing to notice about this data file is that it contains six columns of data; time in minutes, time is seconds, raw cpm, the mid-point
counting time (the time in minutes between counting time and injection time),  the volume of plasma counted and the background average for the day.
Type 'pybld' to start PyBLD.
1. to read 'xyzzy.dat', use 'input' command;
   timmin,timsec,raw,counttim,vol,bkg = bld.input('xyzzy.dat')
2. to see current variables, use 'var' command
3. we set halflife of F-18 and get decay corrected counts as follows;
   halflife = 109.8
   cor1 = (raw - bkg)/vol
   newcounts = cor1*(power(2.0,(counttim/halflife)))
4. Finally plot newtime vs newcounts using 'plot' command
which shows a graphic window of grace and you can configure the graph and send to a printer if you like.

xyzzy graph

5. Save newtime and newcounts by 'output' command
6. In order to exit PyBLD, just type control+D

Example 2
This example shows how to fit data (two exponentials) and plot out the results.
First, create file 'fff.met' which looks like the following;

0 3.27E6 737880.3 65276.9 98.2 .42 .92 5.8E-4
0.98 161489.6 34267.5 6614.6 101.3 .81 .84 .003
2.98 173878.9 36853.9 7248.1 101.4 .84 .84 .003
5.1 79686.2 14543.9 4773.0 97.0 1.22 .75 .006
7 55556.0 8813.3 4805.0 98.0 1.55 .65 .008
10.25 44051.8 5547.6 5452.0 99.9 1.84 .50 .009
20.5 40964.0 2603.6 7216.8 95.9 1.79 .26 .008
29.95 37302.2 2218.4 4772.8 75.0 1.76 .32 .011
40 33748.0 1510.3 6602.2 96.2 2.15 .19 .010
60.08 31063.6 1117.9 5581.6 86.3 2.27 .17 .012
80.03 27702.3 1125.6 5407.7 94.3 2.54 .17 .012
120 23405.5 780.0 4472.1 89.7 3.06 .15 .016

1. Start PyBLD by typing 'pybld'
2. Read 'fft.met' as follows;
Selecting eight variables appropriately named, to hold the columns of data to be read in from the file.
3. We want to fit time vs fraction as two exponential functions (4 parameters to be estimated). We create an array which contains initial guess of the fitting
   p = array([0.6,-0.1,0.3,0.0])
We want to use two exponentials, therefore four parameters are necessary.
The equation to be used is:
a*exp(b *time) + c*exp(d*time).  We must supply initial guesses for the parameters a,b,c, and d to start the iterations.

4. Start fitting using pybld function 'expfit'
PyBLD provides details of each iteration until convergence is reached as follows;

number of parameters = 4
Initial parameter estimates :
Parameter 1 = 0.6
Parameter 2 = -0.1
Parameter 3 = 0.3
Parameter 4 = 0
Initial sum of squares = 0.105581
Iteration 1
Sub-iteration : 0 Sum of squares = 0.0402058
End of sub-iterations
 Para 1 = 0.756061 Change = 0.156061 % Chg = 20.6414
 Para 2 = -0.0564885 Change = 0.0435115 % Chg = -77.0271
 Para 3 = 0.173263 Change = -0.126737 % Chg = -73.1472
 Para 4 = -0.000470269 Change = -0.000470269 % Chg = 100
Iteration 1 Sum of squares= 0.0402058
Iteration 2
Sub-iteration : 0 Sum of squares = 0.021275
End of sub-iterations
 Para 1 = 0.740184 Change = -0.0158779 % Chg = -2.14512
 Para 2 = -0.0740027 Change = -0.0175142 % Chg = 23.6669
 Para 3 = 0.198041 Change = 0.0247782 % Chg = 12.5116
 Para 4 = -0.00217595 Change = -0.00170568 % Chg = 78.3879
Iteration 2 Sum of squares= 0.021275
Iteration 9
Sub-iteration : 0 Sum of squares = 0.0203654
End of sub-iterations
 Para 1 = 0.775023 Change = 8.85232e-07 % Chg = 0.00011422
 Para 2 = -0.0716088 Change = 2.05486e-07 % Chg = -0.000286956
 Para 3 = 0.16261 Change = -1.10697e-06 % Chg = -0.00068075
 Para 4 = -0.000346839 Change = 7.31321e-08 % Chg = -0.0210853
Iteration 9 Sum of squares= 0.0203654
** Convergence has occurred **
Parameter   Estimate       Standard
  1       0.775023   0.0905811
  2       -0.0716088   0.0167422
  3       0.16261   0.0951439
  4       -0.000346839   0.00665002
Std error of the estimate : 0.0504547
Sum of squares : 0.0203654
F value (4,7) : 85.4003
R square : 0.97992
Correlation coefficient : 0.989909

If you don't want to see detail of fitting, you can set variable = 0.

5. In the variable 'res', you will see the estimated parameters of the fitting result. se contains the standard errors of the estimated parameters from the fit. A matrix is produced from the fit called PYBLD.corrmat.  This is the correlation matrix of the estimated parameters.
When the fit is completed a new variable  PYBLD.fit_z is created. This contains the fitted curve. You can check how this fitting works by plotting data with fitted result as follows;
You can put title and labels of axis and legends on the graph as follows;
   bld.title = '2 exp fitting'
   bld.xlabel = 'time(seconds)'
   bld.ylabel = 'fraction'

Results of plot for Example2

How do you implement your C code  on PyBLD?

You can make your own C program which can be called from PyBLD session.
You must create your C program as follows;
float *your_function(int *ndim, float *var1, float *var2, .....,int *num_row, int *num_col) /* you put your variables between 'ndim' and'num_row' */
      float *res;
      int npts,i;

        npts = ndim[0]; /* number of element in first variable. second ndim[2], third ndim[4]....*/
printf("npts = %d\n",npts);
res = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*npts);

res[i] = p[0]*x[i] + p[1];
*num_row = npts;
*num_col = 1;
return res;
} generates interface file for Swig and wrapper program between your program and PyBLD as well as template of makefile for your program.

Image Manipulation

Original BLD can handle MIRAGE format images. PyBLD can handle Analyze format images instead of MIRAGE.
In order to manipulate image in PyBLD, at first you must make instance of image class as follows;
img = bld.img()
After that, the instance img can read and write and manipulate images. For example
i'analyze.file') - read image
img.write('analyze.file') - write image
img.img = img.img*2 - multiple 2
img.view() - going to display image by gpetview

Note for person who is already familiar with BLD

Although PyBLD is tried to be a clone of BLD, there are several differences between PyBLD and BLD. These differences mainly come from Python language. Python is written by C language, on the other hand, original BLD is written by Fortran.
For example,
Array - the expression of arrays in PyBLD is a[0],a[1],.. and the corresponding expression in BLD is a(1),a(2),..
Case sensitive - variables in PyBLD are case sensitive, i.e. A and a are different.

In addition, you can use several functions and flow controls supported by Python and NumPy which original BLD does not have.

Change log

2020-10-11 Version 3.3 some minor bug fix related to interpolate and image output
2020-01-13 Version 3.2 some minor bug fix related to saving image, recall
2019-02-11 Version 3.1 some minor bug fix
2016-09-11    Version 3.0 PyBLD for Python3
2012-08-13    Version 2.6 some improvements for bldanaimg
2011-02-08    Version 2.5 bug fix for image header structure. Now img can be saved and recalled correctly.
2010-07-02    Version 2.4. img_transform for 4D data
2008-06-27 Version 2.3. zeros function to prepare new image. output multiarray.
2007-08-14 Version 2.2beta. bug fix in mullin and polfit, get rid of piecies from Numeric, xmgrace without safemode for saving  grace file
2007-03-20 Version 2.1beta. bug fix for bldanaimg for swapped image.
2007-01-04 Version 2.0beta. PyBLD for NumPy
2005-10-21 Version 1.10beta. possible to plot multi-columns data, error bar. rotate image along x-axis and y-axis. Byte image transformation.
2004-03-05 Version 1.9beta. Bug fix for fitting. Clean up several codes. Zooming image. view(number) for numbering
2004-02-17 Version 1.8beta. Add Affine transformation, rotate_z for manuplating image. Bug fix for romdom number generator
2003-07-25 Version 1.7beta. add spline fitting. bug fix for random. Update web page.
2003-06-28 Version 1.6beta. bug fix for 2D filter. Graph title and xylabel and legends. several bug fixes
2003-05-27 Version 1.5beta. add pconv_exp. clean up polfit,mullin and fit functions
2003-02-27 Version 1.4beta. patch by Peter McCluskey
2003-01-07 Version 1.3beta. show_flag for determining detail printing or not. possible to maniplate 4 dimensional image
2002-11-26 Version 1.2beta. Bug fix in histogram
2002-10-24 Version 1.1beta. rearrange documents. minor bug fix
2002-08-29 Version 1.0beta. Use distutils
2002-01-28 plot data with different length. give image max and min by img.max() and img.min(), consider offset of image in Check type of int and short in proper installation directory. Add example of script interpolation ( (version 0.94b)
2001-11-15 Brush-up import_array, filtering routines, add example17. bldanaimg togpetview() and initial parameters. (version 0.93b)
2001-07-08 Bug fix in random routine and fitting routine. add histogram (version 0.92b)
2001-05-15 Lots of modifications for example no fortran routine, image routine (version 0.91b)
2000-10-30 First public release (version 0.9a)


I would like to express my great gratitude to Dr. Richard E. Carson who originally developed BLD and permits me to re-distribute BLD as PyBLD.
I would like to appreciate the developers of Python, NumPy, SWIG.
PyBLD uses  and written by Michael Haggerty.


[1]  R.E. Carson, S.C. Huang and M.E. Phelps "BLD - a software system for physiological data handling and model analysis", Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care" pp562-565(1981)

Mail comments and bug reports to watabe at

Hiroshi Watabe

Division of Radiation Protection & Safety Control,
Cyclotron and Radioisotope Center,
Tohoku University
6-3 Aoba, Aramaki, Aoba, Sendai 980-8578 Japan